Wednesday, August 08, 2007

day tripper, yeah*

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* (on a much less carnal track -- sigh -- than the Beatle's muse)
Went trippin' in my car again last Saturday through Durham County. It was the Civic Holiday weekend, so my empty roads were not empty.
But the fields and ditches and sides of the road were filled with Queen Anne's Lace nodding and swaying. Small yellow flowers and clover in bloom patched among the grasses. I wanted to get out of the car, find a field and lie down in the lacy fields, smelling the pungent, carrotlike ferns, as I did often as a child. Scents, even through the car windows, brought back childhood freedoms as children today often never know. Sitting, lying in fields, still, watching the sky and clouds above, the grasshopper on a nearby blade, a ladybug on another, and the earth at the height of its summer heat buzzing before the shift to autumn.
I drove a little too much this time and didn't get out of the car enough. Still haven't found a wild place to call my own.
The grain, two weeks ago at its height, had been harvested and baled in rectangles and rolls, across hills. I picked up some fresh corn and broccoli, but, it doesn't compare in sweetness to corn in Essex County.
On Scugog Island, found there are many, many roads to explore. The summer homes and water access are hidden there, away from the main road through working farms.
Another trip, another day ... yeah!


Blogger WomanNorth said...

Mmmmm! Thanks for that!
I have always loved Queen Anne's lace and as a child, would place it to dry between the pages of old books in the family library. It always turned out lovely although I don't remember what I did with it next.

4:09 pm  

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